Can a massage in a massage chair replace the one performed by a professional massage therapist?


Many people wonder how a massage in a massage chair differs from the one conducted by a massage therapist in a massage studio. Is the treatment performed by a machine equally effective? Does it only promote relaxation, or can it also aid in rehabilitation? We will dispel these and other doubts.

Does a massage in a massage chair and a massage in a spa work the same way?

It's clear that a human and a machine massage differently. A massage therapist can adjust the pressure according to the patient's needs, while a massage chair never gets tired and can massage multiple areas simultaneously. Therefore, a massage performed by a therapist is more suitable for addressing serious issues, while a massage in a massage chair serves as a good preventive measure, helping protect the body from injuries and maintaining the body in excellent condition.

Do professional massage therapists use massage chairs?

Yes. They are often used to perform a preliminary, warming massage that prepares the muscles for the treatment performed by the massage therapist.

Does the massage chair always massage in the same way?

No, the massage chair offers a variety of programs, allowing you to choose a massage for the entire body or specific parts. Modern massage chairs even conduct body scanning before the treatment, which helps identify areas that require special attention and adjust the massage accordingly. You can simply sit or lie comfortably and let the chair do the rest. And all of this without waiting in queues or wasting time on traveling. Moreover, it's not just beneficial for you; surely all household members will benefit from it as well.

Can a massage chair treatment with massage function help with rehabilitation?

Yes, however, individuals in need of professional rehabilitation should not forego visits to a massage studio. Massages used for serious spinal conditions or those aimed at restoring full functionality after treatments and injuries should always be performed by a trained massage therapist. In such cases, a massage chair treatment can be an excellent support for rehabilitation – it can help reduce swelling, alleviate muscle tension, heal inflammations, positively affect joint and muscle mobility, and improve circulation.
