Even more effective massage on the massage chair - see our recommendations


A massage chair is a fantastic device that offers many health benefits - it relaxes, loosens muscles, and has a positive effect on the circulatory system. However, to fully enjoy its advantages, it is essential to know how to use it correctly. A massage that is not tailored to your needs may be uncomfortable and can lead to disinterest. Therefore, it is essential to understand the basic principles, allowing the massage chair to become a true ally in the fight against stress and ailments. 

Choosing the right massage chair

Dobór odpowiedniego fotela

Massage chairs have come a long way, and modern models are quite different from their predecessors. Older models were equipped with only back rollers, which provided a similar massage experience each time. However, contemporary massage chairs have many more features, including air cushions that can massage multiple body parts simultaneously.

Most massage chairs are large enough to accommodate 90% of users. However, taller or overweight individuals may face challenges finding a suitable chair. In such cases, it is necessary to have a discussion with sales representatives to find a massage chair that fits the user's dimensions. 

How to sit in a massage chair? 

Jak siedzieć w fotelu do masażu

Although this question may seem mundane, the position you assume while sitting in a massage chair is crucial for achieving effective massage results. Before learning to navigate through different massage programs, it is essential to take care of your posture. While sitting, make sure that:

  • Your back is firmly against the seat cushions.
  • Your head is resting on the headrest.
  • Your legs are not cramped.
  • Your arms are comfortably placed on the armrests

Contrary to appearances, achieving the correct posture is not a simple task. Massage chairs may initially cause excitement and a desire to observe how various features of the device work. However, the key to full relaxation is to completely "immerse" yourself in the chair and allow it to do its job. Constantly lifting your head and switching between programs is not advisable, although it can be hard to resist during the initial sessions.

Why is the proper position so important? Because the rollers and sensory system in some massage chair models automatically adjust the positions of different body parts, such as the head and arms. Therefore, it is crucial to align your body precisely along the seat surface; otherwise, the device might misinterpret the points that should be massaged. 

How to use the settings of a massage chair?

Most top-quality massage chairs offer a wide range of massage techniques, such as shiatsu, kneading, rolling, and compression. It is recommended to start with one of the pre-defined methods at medium settings, especially during the first use. This will make it easier to determine the appropriate massage intensity for specific body parts and whether any uncomfortable sensations are experienced during the session. It is essential because the main purpose of the massage chair is to provide relaxation to the user, and this cannot be achieved if, for example, the massage force or type causes discomfort.

After becoming familiar with all the massage techniques in the automatic mode, one can try customizing the settings to achieve a more desirable massage experience. This process is similar to using a standard system, except that one needs to modify individual stages and values manually.

Tip: Modern massage chairs allow you to select the level of intensity for specific elements. So, if you want to focus more on, let's say, the shoulders and less on the lower back, adjusting the settings accordingly is not a problem.

The manual settings include aspects such as:

  • Speed
  • Intensity
  • Massage points
  • Duration
  • Massage type 

Customizing programs according to your preferences

Dostosowanie programów do swoich preferencji

A massage chair can help combat various ailments, both physical and mental. Therefore, before purchasing the device, it is worth considering which model will be ideal for a particular person and meet their expectations. Some are excellent for reducing stress levels, while others assist athletes in recovering after intense training sessions. There are also chairs that combine all these features and surprise with a multitude of functions.

If one experiences regular back, shoulder, head, or neck pain, a massage chair can effectively minimize discomfort. Just about 3-4 sessions of relaxing massage are enough to feel relief. For individuals dealing with high levels of stress, a relaxing massage can be done daily. For older individuals, a gentle program that covers the whole body proves to be ideal. The most advanced massage chair models can simultaneously target:stopy

  • Feet
  • Legs
  • Waist
  • Shoulders
  • Head
  • Neck

Thus, they are perfect for those seeking comprehensive solutions. These devices can be safely used by the whole family, and selecting the appropriate program won't be a challenge as they offer an extensive range of customizable options. 

How often can you use a massage chair?

Just like with anything enjoyable, moderation is key when it comes to using a massage chair. Physiotherapists recommend that with the appropriate massage method, one can use the chair twice a day for 15-20 minutes each session. This amount of time is sufficient to release tension and take care of one's well-being.

It is essential to remember this because too long of a session can result in micro-injuries to the muscles, similar to those experienced after an intense workout. However, the occurrence of such symptoms depends on the individual's condition – some may experience them after just one day of using the chair, while others may not experience them at all. Nevertheless, it's always important to be aware that 20 minutes is enough to properly relax the muscles, and spending additional time on the chair will not provide any extra benefits.

As for when during the day it's best to use the massage chair, there are no restrictions. A morning session can help stretch the muscles and joints after a long period of sleep, an afternoon session can alleviate work-related stress, and an evening session can soothe the nerves and prepare for sleep. The key is to find the appropriate massage suited for each part of the day.

In the morning, after waking up, an intense massage is ideal instead of spending additional 20 minutes in bed. It will add energy and a positive attitude for the entire day. An automatic stretching program can be a great option for the morning. During the day, the chair can relieve tension in the back and neck, regenerate the body, and increase efficiency. In the evening, it's beneficial to select a cleansing and relaxing mode.

Important! The more functions a massage chair has, the easier it is to customize it to specific needs. 

Where to place the massage chair to make it functional?

Gdzie umieścić fotel do masażu, by był funkcjonalny?

Before purchasing a massage chair, it is essential to consider that setting it up requires dedicating some space, which may be challenging in small apartments. The ideal option would be to place the device in a separate room that promotes stress reduction, but such a solution may not be feasible for everyone. Therefore, it's essential to remember that the massage chair, although taking up space, can be accommodated in various rooms. You just need to take care of a few details.

First and foremost, the room should have good ventilation. This will make it easier to relax and stimulate the muscles. It is also essential to minimize distractions by keeping fewer objects in the room. During the massage, it's best to listen to relaxing music, but watching TV or staring at a phone screen is not advisable. As mentioned above, when sitting in the chair, one should avoid tilting the head away from the cushions or making excessive head movements, as it disrupts the massage process.

It is crucial to choose a room free from moisture. Placing the massage chair in the bathroom or basement is not suitable. Although most modern models are waterproof, constant exposure to water can damage the electrical mechanisms inside the devices.

Another important aspect is the amount of free space. Typically, massage chairs can recline or be adjusted to a certain degree. Therefore, placing them directly against the wall may not always be the best solution. They often allow for the extension of footrests, so additional space should be ensured both behind and in front of the device.


The best massage chairs can offer excellent relaxation and health benefits, thanks to advanced technologies, while being easy to use and understand. They can be used by adults, children, and elderly individuals alike. Choosing the right device, program, session time, and suitable room is the recipe for an even more effective massage experience on the chair. Regular use of the massage chair can help relieve tension, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. It is an investment that brings numerous health and relaxation benefits for many years to come.
